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Deposit limits

Most if not all bookies have an option to restrict your deposit amounts to make sure you can not lose more than you are happy to gamble by making sudden decisions



There should be an option with your Australian sports betting site to self-exclude for a period of time to give you a break from gambling and not to let temptation take over and gamble more than you want or to gamble when you want to have a break.

Cut down dependence on betting

I have fallen into this trap before. You wake up every morning and see what the promotions are for that day, or you check to see if there are any of your favourite teams or horses running that day.


Find you passion for the game again

If you’re a sport better this is really hard habit to change if you have been doing it for a while but most likely you bet on the sports you enjoy watching. Maybe you used to play AFL as a child and have always loved the game but recently it is not enjoying unless you place a bet.


Learn your odds of winning

It is great that there are so many resources out there that can help you understanding how the bookie works and realise that the odds are stacked in their favour. Or the odds of you hitting your perfect pair bet on blackjack or the crazy odds of you winning the jackpot in keno or lotto. But understanding your odds of winning it can help you realise that you always were on the back foot and help you know that it is better for you to not place a bet at all.


Stop checking out betting sites as often

Stop looking at odds on offer at betting sites, looking at betting sites can be an easy way to be sucked straight back into betting again. So, delete the apps, they can always be re downloaded when you are in control.


Limit your games/markets

Limit yourself to only betting on specific market or only playing casino games that you know or think you have an edge and ignore anything else that might be happening that day in the betting world.

If you’re a successful poker player for instance the number 1 reason outside of bad play that keeps a player losing is always being in the vicinity of casinos and other gamblers. They will play 30mins of blackjack before they get their seat and have a few spins of roulette after, this means they have so much more work to do at the poker table to be able to recoup those loses.

So, if you’re a sports bettor just bet on the over/under market in NBA if that’s what you have had success in and try to forget any other “sure things” you have seen online.

Check out the gambling help sites

In Australia each state has their own gambling help websites that can help and learn from others experiences and know that you’re not alone. They have great communities of people wanting to help because most have been or know someone that has been in your position before.


Gamblers helpline

Think of the people who need your support – gamble responsibly.

Call gamblers help 1800 858 858

There are also many state-based organizations that can help you with getting more in control of your gambling.


Only take small amounts of money to casinos (leave cashout cards at home)

This is one that I have seen many gamblers do over the years. They will go to the atm before coming to the casino and leave their atm cards at home. This prevents them from having the ability to take money out even if they wanted to. Some also just leave it in the car but I have seen many occasions where people can just go to car but it is not enough time for them to have a good think about what they are doing.

It would be very hard to find a frequent gambler who has not spent more than they wanted to and has never gone home and thought why did I do that.


Be open and honest with yourself and or partner

Tell your partner that you want to stop gambling and the reasons why. A partner can really help you put it in perspective and you can work through ways to stop together.

Be honest with how much you are losing, every time you lie to yourself or your partner you are not in control of your gambling.

Read up on others stories and relate them to your own experiences with gambling

On the gambling help websites, you can get in touch and find out about others experiences and how they have overcome them. YouTube also has some great videos that can be found that people open up about what they have gone through and its good to know that you’re not alone and it can be overcome.


Find another hobby that gives you enjoyment and same RUSH

Finding another hobby is key to prevent the “need” to gamble. There are plenty of options and there is something out there for everyone.
What did you enjoy doing before gambling?
What do your friends do in their spare time?


Find other places to go out that don’t have pokies or other gambling activities

Pokies can be found everywhere these days but if your addicted it can be hard to resist the temptation, especially if your having a few drinks. Find another pub you can go to that does not have the pokies. Find a bar that does not have sky racing and the TAB if your problem is with horses.


Have a separate bank account for gambling and stick to only using that

If you still were gambling and not stopping completely then having an account that you only use for gambling will help you keep control of the amounts that you spend. Set up an amount to be transferred that you are comfortable losing and never use you everyday account for gambling activities.
By having a separate account, you can see how much you have lost by looking at your transactions and be able to have full exposure with your partner.


I am NOT an expert on this topic and obviously if you have seen anything else from me you will know that I love to have a punt but there have been times in my life where I have realised that I have a problem with gambling and there is something I need to do about it.
If you need help or just looking to cut down on your dependence to gambling speak to an expert from one of the gambling helplines or one of the many websites dedicated to helping people with problems with gambling.